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No New Posts N I N T H_ G R A D E

The first and easiest grade in the Academy of the elements, it's sometimes argued that it's the hardest, given that you start off knowing nothing at all. These students focus more on stamina building than actual fighting, of course.

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No New Posts T E N T H_ G R A D E

Now that they've learned the basics, the grade ten students start to get a little closer to actually using their powers in a productive way. However, they don't get to practice nearly as much as their older counterparts.

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No New Posts E L E V E N T H_ G R A D E

Finally, you get to start using your power in the fun and exciting ways. Whether it's dramatic demonstrations against your classmates, or difficult tasks set by professors to push your limits, this grade is full of the action the students have been waiting for.

4 22 Mistaken Identity (Kennedy)
Apr 30, 2013 16:47:16 GMT -5
No New Posts T W E L F T H_ G R A D E

Last year, students were pushed to their limits in terms of power and stamina. And in grade twelve, they delve only deeper into this habit. By the end of the year, should a student pass, they will have fully learned how to control and contain their gift. Mastery, however, is a different story.

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H I G H S C H O O L_ C O U R S E S
These courses are for the highschool students, grades nine through twelve. Only post in these if you're in the required grade - or else you've been given outside permission by a staff member. Official classes will be marked as such, all others are merely filler threads.
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